CadSoft's EAGLE is one of the most popular Industry Standard CAD software package for schematic capture and printed circuit board design. Globally used by Electrical/Electronics Engineers, EAGLE offers user friendly, complete and affordable solutions for PCB design, including Schematic Capture, Board Layout, and Autorouter. In this EAGLE Training courseware all on-screen activity pertaining to any given task is recorded into a video demonstration. Watching these video demonstrations makes it easy to learn EAGLE in minimum possible time. This video-based training program begins by first introducing you to the basics of the EAGLE user interface. You learn all the important commands available in the Schematic Editor as well as in the Board (layout) Editor by simply watching them demonstrated inside the real EAGLE software. You learn how to work in Schematic Editor concurrently with the Board Editor, so that any changes in one automatically get reflected in the other. Separate videos are included to provide you with all the details on Manual and Auto routing. Included with the training is a special section that demonstrates all the steps to create a new library part. After creating this new library part you get to see a demonstration that shows how to add this new part to the existing library, and next, how to use it from the library into your schematic. Several illustrative example circuits ranging from simple transistor circuits to that involving microcontroller buses are demonstrated. Once you have mastered Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design skills, extensive videos are included featuring EAGLE's powerful CAM Processor responsible for generating all the CAM files for Computer-aided-Manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). You are shown all the important phases of generating the industry standard Gerber files. Gerber files are an important part of EAGLE output. Once the Gerber files have been generated they can be sent to the PCB fabrication facilities that use them for Computer-aided-Manufacturing of the final Printed Circuit Board (PCB)